Do you hear what sounds like white noise in your ears from time to time? Perhaps it sounds more like the wind and for some, that noise might be constant. Our ears are particularly sensitive and like anything when it comes to our body, it’s important to look after them. However, over time, symptoms like tinnitus can appear which may be related to hearing loss.

What Does Tinnitus Sound Like? Does It Sound Like White Noise?

Tinnitus is hard to explain for those that have never heard it before but it’s a symptom of an underlying condition that’s common among many people. It’s also something that’s not necessarily caused by a hearing problem. In fact, it can be caused by earwax buildup, jaw disorders and even certain medications you’ve been prescribed.

People can experience different symptoms which means what you may hear, is completely different from what someone else with tinnitus will hear. So, what does tinnitus sound like, does it sound like white noise? Yes, it can but it can also sound different to others. Some of those sounds include:

  • Humming
  • Ringing
  • Thumping
  • TV static
  • Buzzing

This isn’t a limited list and so what you hear may still be the symptoms of tinnitus.

What Causes Tinnitus?

What causes tinnitus? Depending on the type of tinnitus you have, some may not even notice they have it. For some, it can happen every so often and for others, it can be constant. Here are some of the causes of tinnitus that may be causing the noise in your ears.

Hearing Loss

It’s often related to some degree of hearing loss or being exposed to loud noise that has caused some permanent damage.

An Injury

If you’ve recently had an injury to your ears or head, chances are, it’s what is causing the tinnitus as it can stem from the neck or head typically.

Ear Infections or Ear Diseases

Two likely causes of tinnitus could be ear infections or one of several diseases that ears can often get. Even the healthiest of humans when it comes to their ears can experience ear diseases that cause tinnitus.

Medication Side Effects

Certain medications can actually cause tinnitus to occur and it’s something that may be noticeable as soon as you start taking it. It’s also a potential side effect for many prescription and non-prescription drugs in general.

Emotional Stress

Stress can be a common cause of many problems within the body. It triggers a lot as it’s an emotional strain on the body. Tinnitus is one of those symptoms that can be caused by being emotionally stressed out.

Can You Get Rid of Tinnitus?

While there’s no quick fix for tinnitus and others may have to live with it permanently, for some it can often improve with time. There are also a number of treatments that can be helpful to try in order to combat the typical symptoms that come with tinnitus – mainly the sounds!

Tips for Living with Tinnitus

Talking of treating tinnitus, what tips are available for those that are living with it? Well for starters, it may be helpful to understand what type of tinnitus you have because that way, you can tackle the problem with a bit more understanding of what it is specifically.

However, here are some general tips for those that are living with tinnitus and need to find a solution for coping with it.

Try Therapy

There are a number of therapies that can be tried when it comes to tinnitus that may be helpful. Cognitive behavioral therapy might be helpful and there are also some therapies that can help you retrain how you hear and the attention you spend when it comes to these sounds.

Avoid Certain Stresses or Taking Medication

Certain stressful situations may elevate tinnitus, as well as taking certain medications. Where possible, avoid these certain stresses so that you’re not purposefully causing yourself to hear these sounds regularly.

While it may not be possible to avoid taking medications, there may be some that are temporary or alternatives that can be tried to see if they give you tinnitus or not.

Seek Help from an Audiologist

Lastly, when it comes to tinnitus, it may be a case of seeking help from an audiologist. An audiologist can test your hearing and make recommendations when it comes to treating tinnitus. This may result in fitting hearing aids.

To help with tinnitus, it’s worth contacting Clifton Springs Hearing Center to know what’s suitable for your needs. Call us at 315-496-4314 for more information.

Tags: faqs, tinnitus symptoms