On average, people with symptoms of hearing loss wait six years before seeking treatment. A few of the reasons for their reluctance:

  • Because hearing loss is often gradual, those suffering from it don’t realize how bad it truly is until they make an embarrassing social mistake.
  • The stigma attached to hearing loss: some people believe they will be perceived as old, less competent and less attractive if they have hearing aids.
  • There’s a lot of misinformation circulating about hearing aids. People may be under the impression that they’re not candidates for hearing aids, or that hearing aids won’t help.

But studies show that early intervention is important in treating hearing loss. Over time, reduced stimulation to your ears (and brain) will impact your ability to process sounds and recognize speech. If speech recognition deteriorates, it may not be recoverable, even after seeking treatment. Early intervention also will prevent communication problems and mental decline. When you can’t hear, you tend to become isolated. Isolation may lead to depression and eventually even Alzheimer’s and dementia. By seeking treatment early on, you remain cognitively engaged, which will not only help your relationships but will prevent the secondary effects of hearing loss.