Warmer weather is upon us and we are all looking forward to summer activities. Here are some tips to care and keep your hearing aids safe this season.

Water and Moisture

Water and moisture can be a hearing aid’s worst enemy. In the summer not only do we sweat more from the heat but we also involve ourselves in more outdoor sports and water activities such as swimming. If you know you will be swimming it is best to remove your hearing aids. When exercising it is also best to remove your hearing aids and instead store in a safe, dry place. When heading near water be sure to pack a waterproof case incase you want to remove your hearing aids. Hearing aid technology is changing every day and, today, there are even some hearing aids that are water resistant and accessories that can help protect your devices. Speak to your audiologist about your lifestyle needs and he or she can make recommendations.


Applying sunscreen to your body is important to overall health. The oils in sunscreen, though, can damage your hearing aids, so it is best to make sure you have all sunscreen rubbed in thoroughly and wash and dry your hands before handling your hearing aids.

Travel and Vacations

Summer is a time to travel. When possible take your hearing aid care routine with you.

  • Pack the accessories you need to clean and care for your hearing aids
  • Write down your audiologist’s hearing center phone number
  • Make sure that you bring extra storage containers for when you are on-the-go
  • Be sure to pack extra batteries
  • Find a safe spot in your hotel or cabin to store your hearing aids and stick to that same spot each night

Finally, check with airlines, hotels and the attractions you plan to visit to learn more about how they accommodate people with hearing loss.

Contact your audiologist with questions specific to your lifestyle needs and summer plans. Together you can create a solution that helps you enjoy the season to its fullest!