In the hearing care profession, we recognize that the impact of hearing loss on our patients is not always measured in decibels and represented on an audiogram. Hearing loss is also emotional and affects our mental health and quality of life. The longer hearing loss goes untreated the more our patients feel frustrated, angry and eventually many feel isolated. This isolation can lead to depression. The good news is that hearing loss is largely treatable and with the advances in modern hearing aid technology our patients are able to once again communicate and participate in the world around them with confidence.

Being able to communicate is key to our mental health and quality of life. The Better Hearing Institute (BHI) has found that getting a hearing test and using professionally fitted hearing aids is a way for people to ease the stress associated with intensive listening and to help improve mental well-being. Here are some other reasons why when you hear well you feel good from BHI research.

People who treat their hearing loss:

  • Find more enjoyment in the world around them. They interact with friends and even get out and about in their communities more
  • Stay more physically active and exercise
  • Have stronger relationships with friends and family because of their increased ability to communicate
  • Are able to participate in more group activities
  • Perform better at work

Hearing aid technology has also advanced so much in recent years that 91% of owners report being satisfied with their hearing aids, and 90% of people who purchased their hearing aid within the last 4 years would recommend one to a friend or family member.

Improving your hearing and starting down the road to feeling good again starts with a hearing test.