If you’re looking for a hearing aid, it’s wise to explore the different options and compare the pros and cons before making a final decision. There are several different styles of hearing aids, and some may be better suited to you than others. Your audiologist can help you choose the perfect hearing aid based on your needs and preferences. If you’re searching for more information about hearing aids, here’s a useful guide to help you understand different hearing aid styles.

Understanding hearing aid styles

There are three main types of hearing aids. These styles include:

  • In the ear (ITE): In-the-ear hearing aids are placed in the opening of the ear canal, and they are usually custom-designed for the individual. This type of hearing aid is small and discreet, and only the top of the device can be detected. ITE hearing aids are available in different shades to complement skin tones, and they are a popular choice for individuals who express a preference for discreet hearing aids. With in-the-ear hearing aids, you don’t need to worry about others being able to spot your hearing aid or having to adjust your lifestyle in any way to cater for the hearing aids. These devices won’t interfere with playing sports, for example. Typically, in-the-ear hearing aids are recommended for individuals with mild-to-moderate hearing loss. 
  • Behind the ear (BTE): Many people envisage behind-the-ear devices when the words hearing aids pop up in conversation. These commonly used hearing aids nestle behind the top of the ear. Behind-the-ear hearing aids are not the most discreet option, but it is possible to choose skin tones to make the devices less visible. These hearing aids are beneficial for those looking to connect their hearing aids to smartphones and other devices, and they’re also suited to people with severe hearing loss. 
  • In the canal (ITC): ITC hearing aids are another discreet option. They sit inside the opening of the ear canal and are barely detectable. These hearing aids are custom-designed for a comfortable fit, and they are suited to those with mild-to-moderate hearing loss. You can choose from a range of tones and colors. 

Which hearing aid style is best for me?

If your hearing is damaged, and you’re on the hunt for hearing aids, your audiologist can help you identify the best type of hearing aid for you. When narrowing down the options, it’s advisable to consider your hearing test results and the extent of hearing loss, as well as your personal preferences and your lifestyle. Behind-the-ear hearing aids tend to be the best option for people who have severe hearing loss, while in-the-ear and in-the-canal hearing aids may be recommended for those with moderate hearing loss and a preference for more discreet devices. Your audiologist will be able to give you detailed information about each type, show you different styles, and make suggestions based on your personal needs and wishes. 

If you’d like to learn more about hearing aid styles, or you have any queries, give our Clifton Springs Hearing Center audiologists a call at (888) 685-3844.