Living with somebody who can't hear very well can be very frustrating, not only for the other person but for you as well.

They might need to have the volume of the television turned up high, which can be an issue for you when you're trying to concentrate on something, or when your neighbors continually complain to you about the noise.

It can also be a frustration when you're constantly having to repeat yourself, or when your partner doesn't respond accordingly to the things you have said to them. 

And it can also be frustrating if your partner doesn't hear the doorbell or the phone ringing, as it means you will be the person constantly toing and froing around the home. 

Of course you might also become worried about your partner, because if they are struggling to hear, their overall health and wellbeing could be affected as a consequence

So, if you know your partner is experiencing hearing loss, you will understandably want them to seek help from an audiologist, and perhaps get a hearing aid. But what if they are reluctant to do so? It might be that they don't understand the severity of their hearing loss. Or it could be because they are embarrassed at the prospect of wearing a hearing aid. In such situations, you might find it hard to convince them to seek the help they need.

Well, here is some advice that we hope you find useful.

Talk to your partner when you are both in a good mood

It's no good suggesting the possibility of a hearing aid when you have just had a blazing row with your partner about something, be it hearing-related or otherwise. You need to be in a calm and relaxed mood and your partner needs to be in a good place to listen. So, wait for a good moment, start the conversation with a kind, respectful and non-judgmental tone, to discuss some of the points we will mention below. 

Explain how it's affecting your relationship

If tensions have been fraught because of your partner's hearing ability, let them know how it is affecting your relationship. Explain your frustrations, stresses and talk to them about the frustrations they have been having. Let your partner know you will both benefit if they seek help for their hearing and perhaps have a hearing aid fitted, as your relationship will return to normality if they do.

Explain your worries relating to their health

When hearing loss is left untreated, a person's brain can become affected, and this could lead to such medical conditions as depression and dementia. So, pick up a few brochures or bookmark a few sites online to explain these conditions to your partner, and let them know the risks that they are putting themselves under. 

Talk about hearing aid technologies

Thanks to the advances in technology, there are now hearing aids available that are invisible to the naked eye, and certain models can be attuned to individual lifestyles. So, if your partner has been reluctant to wear a hearing aid for aesthetic reasons, or if they have been worried that their lifestyle might have to change as a consequence, you can point them to our hearing aid page to alleviate their worries. You can also show them the technologies that can enhance their lifestyle, such as the Bluetooth hearing aids that can help people hear better when speaking on the phone or watching the television, as these might sway your partner's opinion.

Arrange a hearing test for the both of you

It's important to let your partner know that they are not alone and that you are there to support them with their hearing. One of the ways to do this is to attend a hearing test with them and to have a test yourself to show them that you are willing to help yourself too. They might feel more comfortable about seeing an audiologist if you are there to share the experience, and if they do need a hearing aid, your audiologist will be there to convince them that wearing one is the right thing to do. 

Contact us

You care about your partner and want the best for them, and here at Clifton Springs Hearing Center, we share your concerns. So, if you need further help on how to convince your partner to wear a hearing aid, give us a call at 315-496-4314. We have years of experience in helping people with their hearing needs, and understand what both you and your partner are going through. Talk to us and together, we can work to support the person closest to you.